
Action what you need to help you progress forward every single day



How To Blur your YouTube Video

  How to blur your YouTube video, after you’ve uploaded it. We all make mistakes after we think we’ve rechecked all the bases. This video on how to blur your…

13 New Year Business Resolutions

I have put together 13 New Year business resolutions that will expose and improve your online business presence in any year you are reading this 🙂 Business Resolution 1 Be proud…

Is your Shop Homepage Turning Off Customers

As a society the love of window shopping is a great experience, You go inside just to satisfy your curiosity and your need to buy beautiful things. You see shop windows, all the time,…

What keywords bring in the customers

With, what are longtail keywords covered in the last post? We move on to which keywords bring in the customers.  I bet you are looking forward to this one. Hoping…
which keywords bring in the customers