Articles for taking action on that will help you in business & life
Action takers get results

Steal my Local MP’s Marketing Idea

It was that time of the year when local elections come into play. All your local politicians aka MP’s want you to support them. Needless to say, you start receiving…

Feature Friday: Colin Slater Art

My 22nd Feature Friday is from Esty store called Colin Slater Art, which is also his business name. When I 1st viewed Colin’s work I saw some great pictures of animals then…

Taking you back to Marketing Basics

The internet makes hard work look easy It’s very easy to come on the internet and open up a business. Without marketing, you really have no business. All you have…

How to use Instagram Polls with Results

In this video, we look at how to use Instagram polls with results Instagram has huge potential when it comes to marketing your business. But you can also get overwhelmed…
How to use Instagram polls w/ results

Merry Christmas Beautiful One

  It’s nearly here, 2016 is just around the corner. Have you got your gifts sorted? I have, as usual, I shop in January and leave the bigger gifts near…

Feature Friday: Vicky Myers Creations

My 7th Feature Friday is from Vicky Myers. She is a person who respects the environment and where ever possible loves to up-cycle. Currently she is embarking on recycling clothes into awesome handbags. Handmade Pumpkin…

3 Important Picture Taking Tips

Picture taking is part of your business routine Every time you pick up your camera, you have to look through the lens and see a picture that will speak to…
3 Important Picture Taking Tips