6 Free Business Tools You Should Be Using

6 Free Business Tools you Should be Using

With so much to do concerning your business. having business tools to help with certain tasks can be a lifesaver. Plus it’s a brucey bonus when those business tools are free.

Today I’m sharing 6 free business tools that I use for my businesses and I highly recommend you start using them too if you aren’t already. This list of tools is to help you see results, help you to move forward and feel satisfied that things are actually happening in your business, for you to feel happy about.

So often you can work on your business only to still feel that you are not progressing. Having help via these business tools will help you see the light and the positiveness of your business endeavors. However, if you are not seeing results now, you will know which areas you need to work on.

Each one has its own advantages to your business, utilize those advantages and let your business reap the benefits. Now certain tools may not show you instant results but you will see results in time if you persevere and are patient.


6 Business tools you as a serious business owner should be usingClick 2 Tweet 

WordPress Site (Self-Hosted)

If you don’t have your own online presence then all I can say is ‘What you waiting for’. Whether you use WordPress for blogging about your business or for your actual shop getting the word out is important. You want your blog/business to work while you sleep and that can’t happen when you don’t have a place dedicated to your business and controlled by you.

Don’t think you need to be techy to set up a WordPress site because most hosting companies offer a 1 click set up. Or there are those that will do the set up for you for a fee, either way, you can get online and start spreading your business message. Don’t rely on fan pages and other places you don’t have total control over. Those places are businesses and businesses however big can suffer at any time.

Being in control is what you have decided if you want to be your own boss, so it makes perfect sense for you to own your own domain name, hosting and WordPress site.

Google Keyword Planner

This free tool is very powerful when harnessed correctly. Use it to find all your keywords for your products and your blog. Then use those keywords within your written business, product and blogging information. Knowing the right keywords will get your shop/blog into the search engines, so you start receiving free organic targeted traffic to them.

Plus once you’re in the search engines being on page 1 at position 1, 2 or 3 are the best seats in the house.


How would you like to tweet to your twitter followers, share stuff on your facebook fan page all while not actually using twitter or facebook? Actually when you learn and understand HootSuite capabilities, once set up you won’t be using this program either.

I would be lost without HootSuite. this program allows me to continue to share with my twitter family when I’m working on other parts of my business or spending time with my family. Let me show you how cool this program is. I was in the hospital giving birth to my son Rueben on the 5th April 2013 and I had to stay in the hospital for a week due to his heart beating to fast. Yet you [if you follow me on Twitter] would never have known because I had set up my tweets well in advance.

What I could not do is interact with my twitter followers which I lurvve to do. However, HootSuite is not there to replace you or your personal interactions. It’s there to give you room to be able to relax and enjoy your twitter conversations, knowing your links and information updates are taken care of.

Set up HootSuite with your links to your new posts, old posts, new products, old products, articles tutorials, images etc.. that interest your followers, then let HootSuite do its thing.


I was very nervous about this software when I was first introduced to it. It takes your internet connection to the real world. Yes, the real world, you actually talk live with people, like you would on the telephone but a major big difference is that it’s free.

I know you are thinking “why would I need this for my business”. Well firstly if your family and friends have an internet connection you can all connect via Skype for free. But really I added this software because I wanted to have a way of communicating with you other than via email. The link below directs you straight to the download page, get it and try it out.


Google Analytics

Google Analytics think of this software as your own personal James Bond spy for your site. It shows you who’s coming to your site and from where. It shows you what your users are reading, how long they are reading it and what pages or posts they are leaving your site at.

It shows you what device they are using to view your site, what browsers they are using, where in the world they are based if they are a new visitor or a returning friend and that’s just for starters.

You see how you need. double 0 G [kind of like 007 but with Google in mind] tracking your site. Don’t be blind to who is using your site, or how many visitors are actually coming to see your information. No more need to be in the dark about your site, you just need to read the data and use it to get more from your visitors and to provide them with what they like and enjoy.

The Creative Tree Community (JWGInternational)

Yet another self-boosting activity 🙂 If you have not already, come on board & join the creative tree society community. Be amongst the 1st to receive my updates, inspiration, motivation & so much more.. Get information for you and your business because you are brilliant and deserve it.:)

So below fill in your name and email address and let’s get better acquainted.

In the comments below share what tools you have used already? Or what tools you are considering to use? Do you have or use a business tool that is helping you, if so share it with us below

Janet Walker has been a designer & internet marketer for over 16+ years. She established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year of being online. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology, allows her to naturally align strategies, & more. She’s become the go-to for individuals, small & sought-after business leaders in various industries.  JWGInternational’s core is to empower, elevate & support those using their Gifts to impact others.

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Janet
    I have followed your blog and information for a little while since starting up our business.
    I love getting your emails and newsletters and try to follow your guidance as much as I can, it is great – keep up the good work, I am so grateful…
    Best wishes

    • Hi ya Trixie,

      Thank you so much for your kind words and for following along. Its great to know that my information is and has helped you and your business. It’s I who is very grateful and blessed.

      Blessings Janet

  • Thanks for sharing your information. I signed up for Hootsuite and am going to try out the free version for a bit. The keyword Google Tool was new to me! I downloaded the list they gave me definitely going to be a big help. Going to put Skype on my laptop but not sure how I am going to use it in my business yet. Looking forward to getting more great information from you. Thanks again.

    • Hi Ya Nancy

      I’m glad you enjoyed reading the post and are testing out some of the tools i mentioned. Hootsuite is awesome you’ll love it. For skype if your family members are online and you usually speak to them on the phone try using skype instead. You can video talk or live messenger. Enjoy your new tools and experiment.

      Blessings Janet


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