How 2 use a keyword Tool to find your product keywords pt2

This post is part 2 of us talking about using keywords for your products to get found. If you have not read part 1 I recommend you do so click here, then return to this part.

How 2 use a keyword Tool to find your product keywords pSide note: Before I begin talking about the Google keyword tool I want to share that it’s still free. However, Google stopped showing the exact data which is shared in this post. To see the exact data you will need to deposit money into your Google AdWords account. You don’t have too actually create an ad but you will get full advantage of all the features it offers. The steps shared below still work whether you use it for free or not. It’s just that the data takes a little more guesswork using the free option.

You may not wonder why Google would hide this data if you are not really into keywords and SEO. However, if it piques your interest have a read here on why this happened. Yes, you may not be interested but for your business’ sake have a quick scan, it may open your eyes a bit more about the importance of using keywords in your marketing.

Working with Google keyword Tool

You can use the program without signing in but I would recommend that you do register before using it. In my personal experience, I have found the results differ from when you are signed in and from when you are not signed in. As your business is mega important to you, signing in is the best option to take.

Once you have registered and signed in, we use your newly found descriptive words to see if they are being used in the search engines.

Following Instructions Time

You place a combination of your words into the section named: Word or phrase
You select your country from the section: Advanced Options and Filters
& make sure you click [Exact] from the left menu below the heading: match types

When all the above is done click the tab that says: Keyword ideas and you will see a list appear of various keywords that are closely matched with the word or words you placed in the Word or phrase section.

Find keywords that reflect your products

From the list of keywords available, find what words reflect your products. The number beside these keywords whether in the global or local column represents the number of people search for those keywords. Meaning this is what actual users are typing into Google search engine to find what they are looking for and if this is your product in some way then it should be your business showing up in the search engine results.

Don’t worry about the low number of searches because you will build a list of keywords to use for your business and products. So by combining the low search numbers will, of course, increase your chances of being found in the search engine results. A number above 20 is fine is f you have many products to work with. If you have only one product with various designs like for example greeting cards then you need a good search engine amount because this is the only product you have. So numbers above 300 is a good start.

You will need more than one set of keywords

However, with one product, you will have to find alternative names for your products because you don’t want to be using the same keywords over and over again. Using generic words like greeting cards or handmade greeting cards you will find the competition is so high you will not get a look in. Finding and using keywords is an ongoing process but what I can tell you from experience is that the work you put in now will show dividends in the long term.

By now you should have some keywords for your business products. These are real keywords that are being used in real searches. Your next step is to use these keywords in your everyday business marketing. If you don’t use them in your business activities then how are the search engines going to find your business to put in its search results, thus giving the searcher what they are looking for – which is YOU.

Your keywords will be used in a variety of places

You will use your keywords in the following places, your product descriptions, product titles, blog headings, blog articles, blog tags, a few links and where ever else you write about your products or business. This is the reason why you need a lot of keywords because you don’t want to be using 1 keyword all the time, even though that would be the easiest way, Google especially does not like that and that will only go against your business. So variation is good, having the main keyword for your business is totally fine but you need to always have other relevant keywords to add variation when you are writing about your products.

The most important part to remember in all this is you are actually helping people find you. People use search engines for a reason, to find something, to solve a problem. The more you help in the words you use and the content you create the better you are in helping people find products, give solutions that help the user which is always the end goal. 

Don’t rush the process take your time

Now please don’t read this post and think it needs to be done overnight. Take your time and do a little each day or week, this is the way it should be done, plus you don’t want to overwhelm yourself. Having your business found for free in the search engines, & getting targeted customers or clients to your website is what every business owner dreams of.

When you put in the work for the long-term it pays off, I talk from experience. I love SEO because I can do the work and months, years more years later my content & products are still being found by the right people.

Don’t be scared of SEO [search engine optimization] yes that’s what I’ve been talking about all this time :). When you stick with it, you will see results, just forget the word SEO and remember it’s all about the keywords & help people find what they are searching for more meaning your products or services.

If you want me to show you how it’s done I have a great video showing just that. I don’t use the Google keyword tool I use Bing’s keyword tool. This video will show you exactly what to do, how to brainstorm and see opportunity keywords you may not even have thought of. You can get access to this video called Product Keyword Formula & start finding your keywords.

Note: This post was written as a guest post by me on another blog. However, the owner has chosen to remove the link directing readers to the original author within that post. This includes all guest posts they are using. So I have re-claimed this post and updated it.

Janet Walker has been a designer & internet marketer for over 16+ years. She established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year of being online. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology, allows her to naturally align strategies, & more. She’s become the go-to for individuals, small & sought-after business leaders in various industries.  JWGInternational’s core is to empower, elevate & support those using their Gifts to impact others.

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