Share your business story, and make it work for you

You have your business story on why you are perusing your business. This is not a story you should hide. Many place this story nicely on about pages or on biography pages.

Why because these are the pages you want the reader to get a sense of the personal realness of who you are, what you are about and why they as readers should continue to follow you and your business adventures.

Share your business story, and make it work for you

You want them to connect in some way and when they do you will have a regular reader. Which turns into a loyal follower. Who then becomes and customer.

The only problem with this is that they have to come to your site to read your story. Well, it’s time to share your story with the world and use your story to its fullest potential.

Share your business story

How? By submitting your story as an article to few high ranking article directories. Even if you don’t like writing you will enjoy this article because it’s all about you. This is your chance to give your potential customers some information about you and how you got into your business. You are showing them that you are worth a little investigation via popping over to your website or blog.

By paying close attention to the content of your story and how it will engage your readers, will drive some very targeted traffic to your shop or blog. Oh, and did I mention it will be free targeted traffic. Your words are powerful we already know this, so use them to your business advantage. Don’t be afraid to appear human and real to other online cyber users. There’s no need to pretend you are something you are not, lies always find their way to the surface no matter how hard to try to bury the truth. However the internet today relies heavily on being true, honest and real. Another point doesn’t be ashamed because you think you are not an expert in your field, you already know more than you think and you know a lot more than the person who hasn’t got a clue about your business industry.

Your business story is important

Your story is important to you for it defines you and your purpose for your business. So it’s only fair to share it with everybody to inspire others. Hay you don’t have to take my word for it, head on over to and meet a great guy named Pat Flynn. Who shares his story on his about page. Now I don’t know if he has submitted anywhere else but I can say it inspires. Tiffany Dow over at is another name you should look out for she also inspired by her online store. These great guys and gals don’t call themselves gurus or experts they merely share what they are learning and experimenting with themselves. However I can tell you this, those that follow and communicate with them on a regular basis would defiantly call them experts.

Focusing on your business story

Rough it out. Even if you have a version of your story on your website it might be handy if you get someone else to read what you have written, if you have not already. I hear you, it’s your words and you have lived every word you wrote but you need unbiased opinions. You need fresh eyes on your work to get a new perspective on what you have written. This is important because it’s not like a post that you can go back and change. Of course, you are able to change articles once submitted but that’s not what you want to do when it comes to telling your story. Take your time over your story, getting it right does not mean rushing to get it completed.

Naming your Story

After changes have been accepted, now you are ready to add your attention-grabbing headline. If you are stumped like I was, try and describe your story is say no more than 5 or 6 words. If you had to tell someone about your story using only these words what would they be?. This is not an easy task and it may take a while to get there.

Sharing your words

You got your headline along with your inspiring story it’s now time to share it with the world via article directories. There are many article directories to choose from and you could be there for a few days joining each one, copy and pasting and submitting your story to all of them. However, there are a few that are worth using because of their authority status online and their page ranking. Remember to fill out your resource box with more information and to add your anchor text to link back to your site. – PR6 – PR5 – PR5 – PR5 – PR5

First, you will need to sign up for them (you don’t have to submit to all of them) if you haven’t already. Some of them will accept straight away, others will check your article before accepting it. Sometimes having the article directory check your work can be a good thing, they may catch some errors you may have missed. Once your story is accepted monitor your page views by either looking at the article directory stats or your tracking software you have on your website.

So in the comments share how you are getting your business known online.

Janet Walker has been a designer & internet marketer for over 16+ years. She established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year of being online. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology, allows her to naturally align strategies, & more. She’s become the go-to for individuals, small & sought-after business leaders in various industries.  JWGInternational’s core is to empower, elevate & support those using their Gifts to impact others.

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