What are keywords?

What are keywords? Do you hear about this word and wonder what they are? Or why you should even care about them? Well, I hope this short but to the point post answers your questions and gives you some clarity when it comes to keywords.


What are keywords?


Knowing what keywords are and how they can benefit you in marketing your business, has always been a learning curve, for anyone who wants to be found online.

You can be online and never think about keywords.

However, even if they are not in your mind you are actually still using keywords. You just are not being strategic with them & that’s the difference when it comes to knowing, understanding & using keywords.

At the end of the day, keywords are what people are using to find what they need online.

Keywords are literally words that people are typing into the search engine’s search bar to find what they need.

It’s that simple, really

Search bars are everywhere, Google has a search facility, Pinterest has a search bar, so does YouTube, forums, even websites & blogs have search bars.

Keywords are the only way you can get your business found online. Unless you remember a web URL or someone tells you about a website and they give you the direct link. Or like me, you research a lot and accidentally find some great websites along the way. But if you use that route for your business marketing & you cannot know if the person who found you is really who you want to be found by. I hope that makes sense.

Other than that there’s no way you going to be able to find what you need online without using some kind of search facility to search for what you need.


Shameless plug: If keywords seem less scary now consider taking my FREE SEO email course. It looks at keywords and how to use them on your website. Click here to get to know SEO


Everyone, business owners, consumers, needs keywords to find what they need online.

Even you use search at some point to find something. An at the moment you become someone’s potential reader, customer, who’s looking for something online.

Now if you are using keywords to find what you need? So are your potential customers, readers, subscribers.

Re-read that line again.

Do you see the importance of knowing at least a little, about keywords for your business? Share below

Janet Walker has been a designer & internet marketer for over 16+ years. She established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year of being online. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology, allows her to naturally align strategies, & more. She’s become the go-to for individuals, small & sought-after business leaders in various industries.  JWGInternational’s core is to empower, elevate & support those using their Gifts to impact others.

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