Feature Friday: Munki Make

My 8th Feature Friday was submitted by Munki Make. I saw their ever so cute animals via twitter of course and had to explore more. What i like about their characters is that they have a range of Munki products that focuses on the Chinese zodiac, instead of the normal zodiac icons we are accustomed to see.

Cheeks Valentines Card


Collectible Cushions




Zoodiacs Tote



Your Business Name: Munki Make
Your business url: www.MunkiMake.com
Your blog url: www.munkimake.com/blog-2/
Your name: Sarah (that’s me!) and Tina (my sister) Long
Where you live: South East London

Tell us about the person behind the business:

SARAH: I’m not what you would call “an open book”, that doesn’t mean I like to keep myself to myself, but I like having a few cards tucked away for other people (and myself) to discover. I’m a natural worrier (not warrior unfortunately) but am learning through experiences and time that we can only try our best and que sera, sera. 🙂

TINA: Wow, Sarah was right; it really is difficult to write about yourself! I guess I try not to take life too seriously and if you asked people I know and love, they would probably agree. I love to laugh and make people laugh whether it’s a funny saying, a silly song or a mad dance. I do also have a very organised side to me that loves keeping things in order so please don’t judge me when I say that Excel is my best friend (after big bags of crisps of course!).

What inspires you?

SARAH: People do. I’ve learnt so much through just listening and chatting to people. One of my favourite things to do is just bouncing ideas off my boyfriend! I think it’s the sharing part which I enjoy most.

TINA: Is it corny to say the things I love? I think it’s important that inspiration comes from things close and personal to you as I find it helps me interpret things so much better. I also love to work with things that make me smile; it’s the simple pleasures in life I find are the most rewarding.

How did you get into starting your handmade business?

SARAH: People have always told me I should do something for myself, but I always found an excuse not to. When I was unexpectedly made redundant from a company I spent nearly eight years in, something inside just clicked. My courageous (and a little crazy) side took over and Munki Make was born! Hooray!

TINA: Life and a small ambition of mine. I think I’ve been quite fortunate with my jobs and having good colleagues around me but I always felt there was something missing in these jobs. My sister and I had always talked about working together and then when a situation arose, I guess it was the perfect time to make that dream come true. Plus, I’ve always wanted a business card with my name and job title as co-owner on it; how cool is that?

A list of items you sell

Personalised Cushions: People can add their name and birth year to one of our Zoodiacs characters.
Collectibles Cushions: More Zoodiacs fun!
Tote bags
Greeting cards

Your Twitter link: twitter.com/MunkiMake
Your Facebook link: www.facebook.com/MunkiMake
Your Pinterest link: pinterest.com/munkimake/

Your Personal Words:

SARAH: Every day is a learning curve! It can be overwhelming at times, but not everyone can have this privilege of doing what they love for a living, so it would be an utter shame not to make the most of every second.

TINA: After a full day of pinning, cutting and sewing, chances are you’d usually end up with what I call a ‘claw hand’ (the effect of holding scissors for too long!). But then, you see one of your products sitting proudly on a customer’s sofa or someone carrying a tote bag and it makes getting the ‘claw hand’ all worth it.


Janet Walker has been a designer & internet marketer for over 16+ years. She established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year of being online. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology, allows her to naturally align strategies, & more. She’s become the go-to for individuals, small & sought-after business leaders in various industries.  JWGInternational’s core is to empower, elevate & support those using their Gifts to impact others.

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