This is a simple idea and works well for small businesses because you can pay attention to detail.
You can treat your customers that little more special.
When you do something extra special for a customer 4 things can happen:
1 – You surprise them because they were not expecting it
2 – They feel special because it probably has not happened to them before
3 – They get excited that they tell their friends and family
4 – More than likely they will buy from you again
You don’t have to add that extra something every time, but when you start seeing the results you might change your mind. Giving a customer a surprise experience, of course, will make them remember your business and how they were treated. Your human, if you bought an item and found an extra gift inside, you know you would feel special, especially if its a gift you can actually use, or even give away as a gift. Well whatever would make you feel good, is sure as hell going to make your customers feel good too.
What am I talking about?
How can you add a WOW Factor to your customer’s experience?
You simply
Give your customer an extra item for free!
In other words, treat your customer to a free product when they purchase from you.
All you are really saying is a special thank you but instead of a thank you card, you are doing that little bit extra.
Now you might start saying your products cost too much for you to just give them away, or you have not got enough products to do this, or what if they don’t come back, you have given away a product for nothing!
First and foremost you must love your product, which of course you do right?. So having a stranger come to your business to purchase your product is a wonderful blessing.
Now that awesome new customer needs to be looked after because they are worth it as L’Oreal would say.
You do this by stepping out of the thinking: – “just be happy for the sale, and now need to look for the next customer”, and turn it into – “I am going to treat this customer like royalty”. So they have to come back or even better yet let them become your free verbal marketing megaphone.
Now I have some ideas for products you could use that may allow you to not touch the actual products you sell. Before I share just remember that whatever you add as an extra make it relevant to your business.
Question: Do you have products that are not for sale anymore?
Let me give you a example, with my greeting business: I had some greeting cards printed but the paper I was using at that time became too expensive. So I had to stop using it and find another supplier. I kept those cards in a box because I knew they would come in handy. I used them to surprise my customers by popping in an extra card, with their order. When I started doing this I could not leave out a new customer, so what I started doing was, when I created a new design and printed out the sample, I would also print another card for my next new customer.
What I am showing you is that even though you have products that you don’t use, for whatever reason, you now have a reason.
This will hopefully lead to a viral word of mouth from your very surprised but happy customer. I mean who wouldn’t tell a friend that they just received a free item with their purchase.
If you don’t have any products that you don’t use, then consider creating something especially for this very purpose.
Here’s a quick idea: Create a small calendar to give away, you can add photos of your other products to the calendar to make it special yet relevant. Your calendar can be as simple as an A5 size card with one image on it.
You don’t have to go all out with an expensive gift, the simplest gift can bring the most beautiful smile to any face – remember that.
Looking after a customer who has already made that decision to buy from you is easier than trying to convince those who are not ready to buy from you yet.
To help you get started I have created a WOW Customer Product List Worksheet, especially for you.
How do you use it? Well, on the left-hand side it asks the question ‘What products am I going to give away?’ and on the right-hand side, it asks ‘Where am I going to get this product from?’.
There are so many places online you can look for template items that will allow you to customize to your business. Write down the products you already have that you can use. By filling in your WOW Customer Product List Worksheet beforehand, you will not have to look for your products when those new customers find your awesome business.
Be prepared, fill in your WOW Customer Product List Worksheet, get your products together and be ready to WOW your customer.
You have the power to WOW your customer, don’t take their purchase for granted. Embrace it, feel blessed and send out your thanks to them in a special way.
To download this wow your customer worksheets by simply clicking the image below.

Share in the comments below how you can add that WOW factor to your new customer’s purchase.
2 Comments. Leave new
You have inspired me yet again, I have always loved the idea of a little thank you but struggled to find the perfect gift, I am currently working on some inexpensive earrings that are fairly quick to make and I am going to include those and I am going to get vistaprint to print a postcard sized calender for me, using one of my folded books as the image saying thank you. Stick a magnet on the back and its a fridge magnet. 🙂 Your awesome!
Hi Joy,
Girl you are awesome with your ideas for your customers. Just be careful with creating your earrings, Its a good idea but over time it can eat into your profit because its still costing you to create them. So having a few is great but your second gift of a calendar with your image saying thank you is great.
Blessings Janet