Articles for taking action on that will help you in business & life
Action takers get results

Everybody Makes Mistakes

Today’s post is a guest post by Valentina Drobnjak from She shares some of the common mistakes that affect us from working online. But she also follows through with some great…
Everybody Makes Mistakes

Why blogging is a great marketing strategy

Blogging is a great marketing strategy because it’s simple. Are you ready to blog about your products or services? Well you should, it’s an easy way to get people to…
Why blogging is a great marketing strategy

Feature Friday: KR Creatives

My 11th Feature Friday is from KR Creatives, again no reference to the creators names. This business creates many items I was spoilt for choice on what items to feature in this post. In…

8 Reasons Why Customers are not Buying

Why customers are not buying, is a subject we would like to avoid. It brings that reality that there’s something wrong in the business that we need to address. So…

Feature Friday: Colin Slater Art

My 22nd Feature Friday is from Esty store called Colin Slater Art, which is also his business name. When I 1st viewed Colin’s work I saw some great pictures of animals then…

Feature Friday: Bagolo by Sarah Harrhy

Today’s Feature Friday is from a business called Bagolo by Sarah Harrhy.  She creates a variety of bags and cushions. I personally love the cushions I have chosen to feature today. They are the…

3 Important Picture Taking Tips

Picture taking is part of your business routine Every time you pick up your camera, you have to look through the lens and see a picture that will speak to…
3 Important Picture Taking Tips

Feature Friday: The World of the Alphabots

Today’s 32nd Feature Friday goes to a twitter follower The Alphabots. I could not find the owner(s) name which would have been nice. I love to meet the handmade business owners…