How to set up your email list in 6 Simple Steps

We know the importance of having an email list. Yet many still don’t have one set up yet. This post I will share what needs to happen to go from “Not having an email list to getting one set up”.

6  Steps to starting your email list

Step 1 – Choose your email marketing provider
Step 2 – Set up your email marketing account
Step 3 – Create an opt-in form
Step 4 – Create a welcome message
Step 5 – Create your freebie offer for your email list
Step 6 – Promote your email list

1– What is an email marketing service provider anyway?

Choose an email marketing service provider. This company will the place to look after your subscribers as they start flowing in. Many email service providers offer a free option & a paid option. The payment option comes into play as the number of your subscribers grows.

I used to use Mailchimp, they were great but then I found out they changed something which affected my opt-in form on my site. I was unable to collect emails through my form. I reached out to them as you do but their customer service was only available for paying customers.

As I couldn’t figure out what went wrong I moved to Sendblue, their interface was a bit technical and of course new to me as I was used to Mailchimp. After a while I got it but at the same time heard about Mailerlite. So I tried them out as well. I loved their set up it was easy to learn too. So at present, I use Sendblue and Mailerlite as I have a few different email lists to manage.

2– Is setting up an email marketing account easy?

Once you have chosen your email marketing service provider then its time to set up an account. These steps are pretty easy to do with Mailerliter. Not so straight forward with Sendinblue for. What I will say is that you will need a professional email address.

You cannot use a yahoo, Hotmail, Microsoft, Gmail, address. A professional email address will have your business name within it So to have one of these you will need a website.  If you are in this for the long haul then get professional a sort out a website & a pro email address they usually free depending on which web hosting company you go with.

O.k I went off the track a little there but having an email address was important to share.

3– What is an opt-in form

With your email marketing service provider account set-up and ready to go. It’s time to create your opt-in form. I’m sure you have seen many opt-in forms on your internet travels. This is how people get to give you these detail meaning their email address.

Creating an opt-in form is simple as many email marketing service providers offer drag & drop functions. Then add it to your website.

4– How to create your very first email message

Time to create your first message. It’s usually called a welcome message. After someone opt-ins to your form & your email marketing service provider will send them your welcome message.

If you offered a freebie or lead magnet in return for their address, then you need to give this to them first. You can place it in the welcome email. But I send an email message containing the freebie they opted-in for.  Then a day or 2 later I send my welcome email.

-5- Create that freebie offer

One way to get people’s email addresses is to create a freebie offer.  Over-deliver on your freebie but don’t give them something huge unless you know it’s what your audience will love.

Now you don’t need to offer a freebie. Some businesses can give access to a resource library or an up-to-date newsletters of information that’s not shared anywhere else.

Whatever you offer makes it worth their while, otherwise, they will quickly unsubscribe.

-6- Promote your email list

Your email list needs to be promoted. Maybe not as often as your main product or service but it should be in the mix. Don’t wait for people to come to your website to opt-in to your list. Take your list to them.

Over to you, have you set up your email list yet? Do you have any tips to share with us?


Janet Walker has been a designer & internet marketer for over 16+ years. She established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year of being online. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology, allows her to naturally align strategies, & more. She’s become the go-to for individuals, small & sought-after business leaders in various industries.  JWGInternational’s core is to empower, elevate & support those using their Gifts to impact others.

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