3 Important Picture Taking Tips

3 Important Picture Taking Tips

Picture taking is part of your business routine

Every time you pick up your camera, you have to look through the lens and see a picture that will speak to your customers. You don’t get a second chance with this. So it’s important to experiment when taking your product images. As there is so much to remember like,  shutter speed, aperture, zoom in and so forth. If all else fails just remembering these 3 areas of photography can get you some great pictures.


1 Lighting – Keep your product well lit


Where possible use natural lighting. Place your product by a window but watch out for shadows. To dark, a shadow and it can routine your whole picture. If natural lighting is out of the question, of course, artificial lighting is your next best friend. Be careful with using normal household light bulbs these can cast a hint of orange across the whole image. You can actually buy natural lighting light bulbs. They are not cheap compared to household bulbs but it’s the next best thing to natural lighting. Also, use 2 lighting sources so you don’t create harsh shadows.


2 Background – Keep it simple

the backgraound
It goes without saying keep your background as simple as possible. Even if you place your products in a natural setting. What I mean by this is, if it’s a bag get a friend to wear it. If its a cushion place it on the bed or in a settee. If its a ring, get a friend to wear it. Your customer does not need to imagine how the item will look you are doing that for them. So having a busy, cluttered background is not acceptable, ok 🙂


3 Shot Many Pictures – Have a choice

Take loads of pictures
This can be the part you may decide not to do. Until you find that none of the images you have taken really stand out. But as you have already packed everything away, you lose motivation to set everything again, so you settle for what you have got. Its best to take 30 and only use 1 then take 10 and none of then shout out “this is a great pic”. You can never take to many images, from different angles, different props if using any, different lighting angles etc.. Experiment and click, click, click…

By combining lighting, the background and taking loads of images you can’t go wrong with getting the picture that speaks to your next potential customer.


Bonus tips for helping you get the best when taking images of your products. These links help share advice and help in different ways.

How to take product shots on your phone – On Folksy, photographer Lucy Ridges shares her step-by-step guide to using your phone.  alongside a simple light set up using some white card.

6 Product Photography Tips Every Crafter Needs to Know – At Creativelive.com look at using your phone, layout, lighting and using inexpensive props.

Product photography tips when working with jewelry – At handmadeology.com they show an easy way to make metal jewelry shine when taking a picture. You can also you the tips and tutorial for others items.

Professional Quality Pics by Just Another Mompreneur – Business owner shares her insight when it comes to product images


Now your turn:)
What do you do when getting ready to take images of your products?. Also, share which you prefer indoor or outdoor backgrounds?



Janet Walker has been a designer & internet marketer for over 16+ years. She established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year of being online. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology, allows her to naturally align strategies, & more. She’s become the go-to for individuals, small & sought-after business leaders in various industries.  JWGInternational’s core is to empower, elevate & support those using their Gifts to impact others.

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