It was that time of the year when local elections come into play. All your local politicians aka MP’s want you to support them. Needless to say, you start receiving information from them all. Well, the only MP information I kept was a compliment slip sized card and this was because it was useful to me.
This compliment size card included the following:
A calendar that started May 2013 and ended April 2014. This is the sole reason why I kept it, & pinned it to the kitchen notice board with all my other useful information.
A list of useful local numbers like the police station, NHS Service, Local Hospital, Citizen Advice Bureau etc.
A big picture of the MP himself, which makes this work so effectively for him because you will keep it and every time you use the card you will remember who it came from. Whether you want a reminder or not 🙂
On the back places where the MP will be available if you want to talk to him about neighborhood issues.
Put your business in your customer’s mind
This marketing card can easily be customized to work for your business.
Here are tips to think about when you create your marketing business card
The calendar: Unless you are using them in January don’t start at the beginning of the year. Start your calendar the month you are going to use them from, or even a month in front. Always use 12 months even if it crosses over into another year.
Add your picture to it. By using your picture it makes it less business promotion and more personal.
Share all the ways you can be contacted, so that means more than just using your email and website address.
Share on the back any markets or craft fairs you may be attending. Any workshops you will be holding. Any promotions you will be having including dates and discounts that will be available.
If you decide to use the card as a discount offer, add a code for the customer to use at your store, so you can measure the results.
Take a look at what I’m talking about

Practical: How to make your own
Open up your Microsoft Word software and look to design from a compliment slip template. Create your design and then copy and past 2 more times. So you will have 3 per page. Do the exact same for the back on another page and then print the front, flip over the print out and then print the back.
I would recommend using a card and not paper. The card thickness will look more professional and better for your customers keeping it for longer.
Think ahead and print out a batch, instead of printing them when you needed. When it comes to adding one to your customer’s order as something extra add 3 but place the other 2 in 2 separate envelopes. This looks professional and will look like something your customer will give to a friend or family member. Then if you just place all 3 in your customer’s order and they throw the other 2 away because it looks like spammy marketing material.
Practical tip 2:
Add them to your customer’s orders. To make it look really professional. Add a lose one in the padel and put 2 more in an envelope. With the other 2, they can share them with family and friends. By adding the envelope it doesn’t look like you are marketing your business, even though you are.