
Got a New Business Name? Do these 2 things before committing to it

You came up with a new business name, which I know isn’t an easy task. You are probably really excited about it too. Well, sorry but I am going to throw a spanner in the works and burst your bubble a little.

I want you to do 2 things before you commit to your new business name. Why? because there maybe someone else who is also super excited about the same name too.

It’s a big world and what we sometimes think is really unique to us, is actually unique to other people too.

So do these 2 checks, to make sure your new business name is the name you can have.

The 2 checks consist of the following:

1: Domain name search. ( ) All domain name websites offer a free search to allow you to see if someone else has taken your name.

2: Social Media Sites: Checking in with the big boys to see if your social presence is available too. Having all the same name across all platforms is the best way to go. It’s easier to promote using one name.

If you find your name has been taken via social media you then have a choice.

Do you have your new business name or do you make your social media names fit? The choice is yours.

Did you do these checks when you came up with your business name? Or are you going through this now with your brand-new business name?



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Got a New Business Name, Do these 2 things 1st

Starting out as a graphic designer,  greeting card designer, internet marketer 16+ years. Janet, established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology has helped others make positive progress & change. She continues to research, learn and share with others to help them use their Gifts to impact others.

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