Mindset Work

When was the Last Time you Set a Goal and Completed It

Working on your business every day can make you become set in your ways. Doing certain tasks the same way, giving you the same results are you are happy with that? How about pushing one task a little further or experimenting on doing it a different way. Or tackling a task that you have not looked at properly but know it could work.

When was the Last Time you Set a Goal and Completed It

Say your products are ideal for gift shops and one of your weekly tasks is to contact a set number of gift shops to see if they would like to stock your items. Your routine would be to look online or in your local directory (remember those books) for gift shops to send your product information to. You would do your research by checking out their website and seeing what they already sell. Get their email details, set up your product information ready for emailing on Monday morning.

Make a task a little bigger

We can take this task to the next level and make it become a new goal. We are going to move from gift shops to department stores, the same task just a bigger ocean to play in. Now your goal for the week would be to choose a department store, find the person in charge of purchasing either online or by phone. Produce your business package and address it especially to the head of purchasing. Get your packages ready for Fridays posting, while setting a day and time to follow up with a phone call.

It isn’t hard to take the task to the next level but what a change it would have on your business if your products were accepted. Of course, you would have to discuss figures, quantities, turn around times, in a 1-2-1 meeting either online via a voice call on Skype or in person. But deep breathe. Wouldn’t it be worth it!

Setting goals whether new or on existing tasks are vital to help you to keep on your toes in your business. Being comfortable with how your business functions now and the sales it makes can change but only if you want it to.

A small change can have big results

If you are happy with how your business is going and you don’t want things to change then continue doing what you are doing. But if you want more from your business, then you need to step up your game, and it does not have to be radical or a very big change.

Small goals are very achievable and you can see quick results. Using the results also helps you to set your next goal(s), plus it also shows you, that you are capable of pushing yourself in even a small way.

Rewards for your achievements

Reward your goal achievements, don’t just say OK I completed that task what’s next. No, you need to treat yourself in some way, buying that cute notebook, or having a movie night with popcorn, or a good book, a candlelit bathroom for a relaxing soak. Being in business should already be a reward, so achieving a goal is a step closer to your dreams.

Don’t limit your goal setting just for your business, set some goals for your personal life too. You are your business, if you are not at your best mentality, physical or emotionally then your business is going to suffer.

Now your task is to set a small goal for this week and choose what you are going to reward yourself with when you complete it. I would love to know what goals you have set and also what your reward will be.

To help you with your goal setting quest, I created 3 goal planners daily, weekly & monthly goal planners. By writing them down you make them real and therefore have to stick to them. Download and print them every time you want to set a goal whether its a daily, weekly or monthly goal. Save them and over time look back on what you have achieved and feel really proud.

To get these goal planners simply drop your details below & download yours for free

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P.s Already a subscriber? You can jump the queue my creative friend & login to get yours

Remember your task is to set a small goal for this week and choose what you are going to reward yourself with when you complete it. I would love to know what goals you have set and also what your reward will be.



Janet Walker has been a designer & internet marketer for over 16+ years. She established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year of being online. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology, allows her to naturally align strategies, & more. She’s become the go-to for individuals, small & sought-after business leaders in various industries.  JWGInternational’s core is to empower, elevate & support those using their Gifts to impact others.

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6 Comments. Leave new

  • I find your blog so inspiring – thank you! I have nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award – have a look at my most recent blog post for details.

    • Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and then to nominate me. I am glad that you found my blog inspiring it means i am on the right track.
      have a blessed day

  • This is so true. I have set myself some monthly goals, in an effort to remain focussed rather than leaping from one making, to blog articles etc.. In particular to make sure I make time to make a new idea once a month. But in iredr to achieve the monthly goals they need to be broken down again to weekly/daily goals. Thanks for very helpful website:) Vicky

    • Hi Ya Vicky

      I glad my goal planners are helping you to see results in your business. Yes setting goals does allow you to focus on a section of your business plus also lets you see results. Instead of doing many projects that either don’t get finished, or take so long that you lose interest.

      Don’t forget to reward your goal setting effects when you complete those goals. Do share what have you chosen to reward your self with when you do complete those goals.

      Blessing Janet

  • I am not able to open the goal worksheets once I download them. It says it is a zipped file… am I doing something wrong?

    • Hi ya Bethany,

      You are not doing anything wrong. The goal worksheets are within a zip file. You need to unzip the file first. First of all double click the zip file, if you are using Windows operating system it will open up the file. An then you copy to or drag to where you want the files to be.

      Or goto https://unzip-online.com/en and click the “uncompress files” button. Locate the zip file on your computer, click the zip file to select it and the online site will do the rest.

      Or you can download winzip from here: http://www.winzip.com/win/en/downwz.html and click on the “download WinZip now” button. Double click the icon that downloads to your computer and that will install it on your system. Then you right click on the zip file and select the winzip option to open.

      Any more questions come back an let me know. I’m here to help

      Let me know how you get on
      Blessings Janet


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