Mindset Work

4 Tips to get your To Do List completed everytime

I want to share with you 4 to do list tips that I use. I hope it will help you to get your to-do list tasks completed. As the new year approaches it’s important to have your goals ready.

We already know what to do lists are great tools for getting your tasks done in your business or life. As the ultimate purpose is to complete them, we can at times try to find shortcuts. With this in mind, a to-do list which is a blessing can, on the flip side also become a curse.

4 Tips to get your To Do List completed everytime

Here’s how, instead of keeping a to-do list short, you make it long. You think it will save time if you write all your tasks down and simply work through the one big list. The problem with that is you continue to add more tasks that come to mind. Your to-do list NEVER seems to get completed. Your good intention list turns into the long list of stuff I have not done from hell list. You start to avoid your long to-do list because it becomes overwhelming.

I’ve been there with the long to-do list and thought it was a good idea. But it quickly turned into the list I would avoid on purpose.

The 4 tips I’m sharing with you has helped me complete my goals rather quickly. You know my thing is to make everything realistic and manageable. So you break down your big goals into small and smaller steps which then become your daily tasks.



Shorten your to-do list to 2 – 4 tasks

No longer never-ending lists. Keep it short and only write down 2 – 4 tasks to be completed. If your tasks take a lot more work then 1 – 2 tasks is better to work with. Remember you want to cross off these tasks so limiting yourself to 2-4 or 1-2 is the way to go.


Write your to-do list the night before

You have gone through your business day, so in the evening evaluate what you have worked on. Then create your to-do list based on what you want to continue to work on, what you want to start etc..

No more writing your to-do list before you have not even started your business day. Get prepared the night before so the next morning it’s all about taking action.


Focus 100%

This one is easy to say but can be harder to achieve. If you are easily distracted when you need to make your environment helps you focus just on your to-do list tasks. Any time spent on other areas sets you back in achieving your goals.

You have taken the time to write down the tasks that need to be done. It’s now time to make that happen and fully focus on getting them completed.


Reward your good effort

You completed your tasks great stuff, so why leave it there. Plan for your reward for the end of the week on the completion of all your tasks. It can be anything you desire, you deserve it.

Rewarding your small efforts of completing your tasks is all part of the bigger picture. Don’t just celebrate your big wins. Also, celebrate the smaller ones too. Why because it’s all those smaller wins that help you smash your big goals in the end. Thus getting you much closer to your dreams. Plus moving you forward on a positive path in your business.


I created a great worksheet for you to use to track your tasks & get them done!

Get my Free Daily Task List worksheet to track & conquer your tasks.

Simply click here to download yours….enjoy!

Now in the comments share a tip you use to help you complete your daily tasks.

Janet Walker has been a designer & internet marketer for over 16+ years. She established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year of being online. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology, allows her to naturally align strategies, & more. She’s become the go-to for individuals, small & sought-after business leaders in various industries.  JWGInternational’s core is to empower, elevate & support those using their Gifts to impact others.

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