
Why blogging is a great marketing strategy

Blogging is a great marketing strategy because it’s simple. Are you ready to blog about your products or services? Well you should, it’s an easy way to get people to know more about your business.  Let me tell you I’ve been blogging about different niches I’m in since 2008 and it’s been a great benefit.

The fact that when I started blogging about my 1st product & ex[erimenting with SEO, my content got me found in the search engines is awesome. That’s the very reason why I love keywordSeo so much, it’s so powerful & can get you from being unknown to discovered by your ideal customer or clients. All because that person did a search on a platform or search engine that day.

By people looking for solutions or information my content brought them to my part of the worldwide Web because of what I was writing, and that so great don’t you think?

I never questioned if blogging and SEO would work or not as I was learning from affiliates, pro SEO marketers & online marketers. I was not in a position to question it as I had something to compare it to.

Why blogging is a great marketing strategy

Which should I write for first, my blog or social media?

Answer this question which part do have control over, your website or social media? Luckily for me, social media wasn’t a big deal online as it is now. Thus my focus was to build my online base as everything else was secondary. I always choose to create content for my website first and foremost. Through my content, I get my social media content.

My advice is to start a blog for your business if you have not already.  Start writing about your business, your products | services, your passion. Even if you don’t sell on your website. Having content about what you offer, your business in general, who you are, and what you are about will help them to know, like & trust you while you doing other things towards your business.


Should I know SEO before starting a blog?

SEO & keywords also need to be used to help your content get found by people actually looking for what you are sharing. However, you can add keywords and SEO changes at any time. Yes, it’s better to start with adding relevant keywords, but it’s a learning curve and it’s not learned overnight. So start writing about your products, and then re-look at your content when you get a better understanding of keywords for your content & SEO for your overall website. I will say this know the keywords you want to be found for. With that in mind have these keywords in mind & use them when you are creating content.


I’m not an expert, why will people read what I write?

By blogging (writing) you will start to get a following of people reading what you write, it’s a subconscious thing.  People tend to believe that if somebody is running and writing on a blog they must be an expert for that particular niche. Otherwise, why would they do it? Think about it have you ever doubted a blog article you read?

It’s a simple method to get the word out about your business.  You can also direct people to your blog from social media. Give them content that lasts longer than just a few minutes. If people are on your blog to read about how you used 2 different textured yarns for your product, or how your accident in the kitchen changed the colour of your client’s interior design project. Or that quick conversation in the park while you walk the dog, was the moment you knew how to get your client from overthinking to being a free spirit again.

After reading your words and connecting with them on a professional yet personal level, and they see a link to your product, your discovery call, or your free transformational webinar what do you think they will do? They are going to get it naturally take action, and if they are not ready they will bookmark your site, or jump on your email list, etc..

With blogging is not all about the business message & closing the sale. Being you via opening up personally is always a way we as people will connect. You’ll be surprised what your audience may resonate with, in your everyday life.


How much content should I publish each week?

Remember the more you write the more fresh content you will have, and the more Google and other search sites will send you traffic your way.  You can never have too much original content. But you don’t want to burn yourself out, that won’t help your business or you in the long run.

Do what’s realistic for you, so you can be consistent.  It’s easy to say I can do 3 blog post a week, but when it comes to it, plus all the other work you have to do in your business and life it can become hectic. So doing what is comfortable is better, then slowly increase your workflow to do more.

So when learning the best way to promote online,  simply start up a blog. It is a free and simple way to build up a respectable business that people will take seriously,  and be pleased to purchase products from. Ensure that you are being you, as everyone else is taken.

Think like the customer | client. Make it simple for them to find your links. Also, make it a pleasurable experience on your blog.


In the comment share your thoughts when it comes to creating content for your business.


Janet Walker has been a designer & internet marketer for over 16+ years. She established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year of being online. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology, allows her to naturally align strategies, & more. She’s become the go-to for individuals, small & sought-after business leaders in various industries.  JWGInternational’s core is to empower, elevate & support those using their Gifts to impact others.

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