Question 6 of 10

SEO or search engine optimization can be a good help or not, depending on how you use it in your business. Not everyone is using seo, some people know of it and stay clear on purpose. Doing seo right can definitely help your business getting found in the long term. For this question only Jane, Barry & Anne shared answered and here’s what they had to say.
I use WordPress for my web site and blog which means I can tag and categorise my posts. I try and think of tags that are the words potential buyers would use to find my work. This seems to work well.
I’ll be honest, I’ve heard about it but I wouldn’t know how to go about doing it! I’m a bit luddite when it comes to stuff like that!
The dark art of SEO! I know so little about this stuff… our website is still under construction so I expect I’ll have to become a lot more in-the-knowy about it all. At the moment, Facebook and Folksy play a large part in it all, thankfully.
Once our website is up and running, I think we’ll have to get some help with that to make sure we don’t disappear into the distant mists of page 11 of a Google search.
Do you use SEO for your business ? Share your reasons in the comments below.
This post is part of a 10 week interview round-up. This is question 6. I interview 4 Top Best-Selling Folksy Sellers of 2014 who share their business insights & experiences for success. You can read the introduction here. Follow along & also share your answers to the questions in the comments too, along with your shop’s url. Catch up on the past questions: Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5