the secret to effortless content creation & lasting online presence

Content is key!

To get found online organically, it helps if you have content in more places than just your website | blog. If you want people to find you, having content in other places is a benefit and a bonus. Especially if you are not fully using SEO and keywords in your content or on your website.

The Benefit: You are sharing your message around the internet. The worldwide web is just that the world and having your content in other places will help you reach so many more people.

The Bonus: Your content needs to link back to your content which would be on your website. An guess what Google and other search engines find content by following the links also known as backlinks. Over time, those backlinks become proof that your site is pretty great. It’s sharing valued content & people are using it often, and this is great news for you.

Here’s the light bulb moment. You don’t realise the value of each piece of content you create. And how to leverage it to your advantage. This is why I created The Repurpose Content Vault to show you in black & white how much content you can actually create with your existing content. And to show you that these ways are pretty simple to achieve. 

Let your hard work, actually work for you.

People have a hard time creating enough content, and even forget the work you actually do in your business is actual content. It can take a lot to make it happen.

Here’s the light bulb moment. You don’t realise the value of each piece of content you create. And how to leverage it to your advantage. This is why I created The Repurpose Content Vault to show you in black & white how much content you can actually create with your existing content. And to show you that these ways are pretty simple to achieve. 

Let your hard work, actually work for you.

Content creation takes a while to create, but seems to disappear not long after you hit publish. You want to stay in your social feeds, so your business becomes memorable but that needs more content.

The secret is Content Repurposing.  If you are not doing this, you’ll be creating more & more new content. However, those in the know, use their old content to its fullest potential.

Make that blog post or video work for you like it’s earning a wage. Here’s a big bonus, you’ll create social proof at the same time, while increasing your knowledge retention for your audience so you become memorable, thanks to your repurposed content.

And what’s amazing is that you can make this happen. If you have old content, even if it’s only 1 blog post or video you are good to go. The truth is Content is King & without it no one will know who you are or what you offer. Alongside that, you need Consistency which is Queen when it comes to delivering your content to the masses.

Let’s get content & consistency working in harmony for you, even while you sleep.

Here's how The Repurpose Content Vault works

Imagine this:

  1. Take 1 blog post or video and repurpose it in two different ways. You’ve just tripled your content.
  2. Now, do the same with 10 pieces of content – that’s a whopping 30 pieces of content at your disposal to share online!

The Repurpose Content Vault is made up of 3 workbooks. Which will have you creating multiple levels of content like a BEAST

  • Digital Workbook 1 – 28+ ways to repurpose your content 
  • Digital Workbook 2 – 6+ ways to monetise your repurposed content
  • Digital Workbook 3 – The Checklist 

Workbook 1 + 2 has information for each different way to repurpose your content. Along with links, mini tutorials & ideas to make sure you take action.

Also as new social media platforms & new websites  emerge online you will be ready to act quickly. By adding content as you can reuse your existing content you have already repurposed.


I would have never thought of to repurpose my content.  You were very thorough, gave great details, and offered amazing resources for each option.  Keeshaun Derima

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