Mindset Work

5 Things I do most Sundays as a Creative

I use Sundays to help me prepare for the week ahead. It keeps me focused on what I should be doing. As I have a tendency to multitask to the point I forget what I was working on. Or I have new shiny syndrome where I see something new and again get distracted.

5 Things I do most Sundays as a Creative

1 Create new goals for this week.

What do you want to accomplish at the end of the week?

This helps me measure my efforts from the week.

2 Write down 2-3 tasks you will focus on for Monday

I write down 2-3 tasks each night for the next day.

If I have a big job I break it down.

It makes working more manageable, less overwhelming and lessens the pressure on me.

3 Create 1 social media post & schedule it for tomorrow

My social media post usually come from my blog posts. However, if you don’t have a blog (why not?) or have no new post scheduled then creating solely for social media is ok.

Social media is constant this is why I’m not a fan. But creating and scheduling really helps ease the pressure on putting content out on social platforms like Instagram. I got Twitter and Facebook on a content-sharing loop. You gotta love systems 😁

4 Write & schedule a message to your email list for Monday

Never forget to talk to your email list.

Those on your list want to know what you’re doing, your personal insights on stuff, what products or service they can know about before everyone else, etc..

Don’t leave these people out of the; loop. They want to know stuff from you that’s why they are on your list.

Don’t have an email list 😯 get on it asap!

5 Take some images of what your working on, to use in the week

Yep your always working on something awesome take pics as you go. Even if your writing, get someone to take a pic of you working.

This is called creating content 😁

Which one are you going to do on Sunday, tell me below😊?

Starting out as a graphic designer,  greeting card designer, internet marketer 16+ years. Janet, established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology has helped others make positive progress & change. She continues to research, learn and share with others to help them use their Gifts to impact others.

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