Feature Friday: Neighbour Works

Today’s 39th Feature Friday is from Debbie who is based in Devon. Debbie is a knitter, I’ve already loving the red neck scarf. I have so many already and its growing.

Your Name: Debbie Judd
Business Name: Neighbourworks CIC
Where are you based in the world? Exeter, Devon, UK

feature friday debbie neighbourworks

Tell us a little bit about awesome you:

I’m a transplanted American trying to “bloom where I’m planted”! I enjoy knitting, kayaking, cats, reading, and generally being creative. I love the magic of knitting groups and find joy in meeting new people and hearing their stories.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Nature, Devon landscapes, the yarn, other knitters, Pinterest.

How did you get into starting your business?

I attended the School for Social Entrepreneurs at Dartington Hall in 2011.

Name 2 blogs you like to read.

I don’t really read a lot of blogs regularly

What do you when you want to relax?

I knit and catch up on news via the New York Times online.

What are you reading now?

So many books – Far from the Tree is one.

Share one goal you completed recently.

Launched our website.

What do you wish you knew before you started your business?

To study social media techniques early on.

What would you say to someone thinking of starting their own business?

Go for it. Nothing better than designing your own destiny.

Thank you Debbie for sharing your wonderful Knitted products with us.

Business url: www.neighbourworks.co.uk | https://www.facebook.com/neighbourworkscic

Starting out as a graphic designer,  greeting card designer, internet marketer 16+ years. Janet, established her creative biz on the 1st page of Google (+ other search engines) within a year. Which led to international media coverage. Her analytical thinking, marketing know-how & break-it-down methodology has helped others make positive progress & change. She continues to research, learn and share with others to help them use their Gifts to impact others.

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