What social networks are you using to promote your business? The most common ones that come to mind are Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram.
Now, how about Google plus, are you using this one or is it still a little mystery.
I started using Google plus a while ago because it became a permanent fixture onto YouTube. I am still reading and learning on the hows, to best utilize its powerful potential. But there is one thing I have noticed that is a bonus. I have promoted my posts, videos and I am getting added to people circles. These are people I don’t know, so my shares are reaching new people which is great. I don’t do much over there apart from sharing my content and help share content I find interesting.
You can add me to your Google plus circle here,
So if you’re like me and still learning all about Google plus then I have a treat for you. I was told about this free Google plus ebook from a blog I pop to once in a while. I thought it would be ideal for me to read and to share with you guys.
The ebook is called What The Plus! by Guy Kawasaki. Who is also the author of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. I’ve just started reading it myself, so I will update you if I come across some interesting information and results.
To download a copy of this ebook below simply click on the image.