Question 5 of 10

Marketing tips can range from whole blueprints to a simple tactic. All can be help or a hindrance it depends on your business, what you sell, if you implement it correctly, or if your fine tuning methods work. Let’s see what Lisabellah, Jane, Barry & Anne have to say.
I always make sure my pictures/ photos are bright and eye catching or they can get lost.
Post about things that interest your audience that are not about you. Posts about items for sale should be a Very small part of your posts.
I think that marketing is an art in itself and you can find yourself spending as much time on that as you would actually creating new products. The biggest tip I would advise is to keep your audience up dated on what your doing (something I’m not very good at).
Don’t just tweet & post when you have a new product to sell but show what your working on, helps whet the appetite!
Actually, I think my best tip would be not to think of it as marketing… I think if I started consciously seeing it that way, it would change how I treat our page, which would probably change how people engage with it. We don’t put the hard sell on people ever – we just share stuff and we’re blessed enough to have people be interested.
Can you share 1 marketing tip that you use in the comments below.
This post is part of a 10 week interview round-up. This is question 5. I interview 4 Top Best-Selling Folksy Sellers of 2014 who share their business insights & experiences for success. You can read the introduction here. Follow along & also share your answers to the questions in the comments too, along with your shop’s url. Catch up on the past questions: Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4