Greetings I’m Janet Walker, designer, marketing strategist always thinking like an online marketer. This course was created from part of my 1:1 service, where I create detailed actionable reports for my clients to work from. Over time I realized that I can help more business owners if I turned part of it into a self pace course.
Over the many many years I’ve been online selling physical products from design-led greeting cards, reselling craft supplies to household products. Creating niche websites to sell physical digital affiliate products to my own digital products. the marketing strategies that I have used have helped me sell without the need to shop up, use social media or be stressed over how to be seen online. Everything you will action for your business will get better over time because that’s how these strategies work.
Knowing how to create content, use that content, work with keywords, and work with the search engines & other platforms that also want to get seen by Google too is a game-changer. It will change the way you see marketing your business for the future.
Now more than ever people are jumping online to share their gifts. Some out of wanting to turn a hobby into a business. Others out of need due to losing their job. The fact is search engines & keywords are not going away, and it’s these search engines that help people from around the world find each other.
Be a part of that circle & let the world wide web work with you and help you increase your traffic, customer base & sales.